The activities and projects of "PASS Foundation - Peace for Sustainable Societies" within the "Peace-Building Program" are aimed at promoting the principle of accepting diversity and difference, and at shaping the culture and alphabets of local communities’ civil work, within the geographical framework of the Republic of Yemen. The Foundation works in the long term and at all levels and categories of society to establish and sustain relationships between individuals and communities locally, nationally, regionally and internationally, as well as creating spaces for dialogues and debates across society, to prevent existing violence and potential conflicts by finding the root solutions or necessary changes to create an environment supportive of sustainable peace and prevent the re-emergence of conflicts, in addition to addressing priority societal issues through the engagement of civil society, that increasingly believe in peace as an everlasting and more effective lifestyle. This is what the Foundation seeks through its strategic plans, and involving young people and women in the peace-building process and extremism mitigation.

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