

17 October 2024

Closing the Gender Sensitive Foundational Training target...

Led by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour and Local Authority in #Aden, supported by UNDP Yemen , Under the Supervision of the National Planning, Coordination and Follow-up Team of the NAP National Plan for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda WPS, and implement the NAP by the Governorate's Action Group (Aden), #PASS_foundation- Peace for Sustainable Societies and Collaborating with Security Dept Aden are Closing the third batch  and the last training for 19 individual / Officer from Varies #Aden_Governorate's Police Centers on( Police Corps Act - Criminal and Penal Code - Code of Criminal Procedure: Duties of police officers, inferences Stage - gender-based violence - communication skills - code of professional conduct - Explanation of the police man and Criminal and Penal Code) to empowering Police Staff from Male and Female knowledge, Skills and Policing Responsive Directions to #Gender_Intersectionality "Men, Women, Children".
28 May 2024

A Gender Analysis Meeting for Projects

Within the third Output of "Peace-Building from the Ground Up A-Z" Project, NOON feminist Coalition is conducted A Gender Analysis meeting for the projects of Peace and Development coalition – PDC and Local Peace Councils - LPCs, in partnership with PASS Foundation - Peace for Sustainable Societies and SAFERWORLD Organization between the period 25-26 May 2024. Bahia Hassan Al-Sakkaf, the Project Manager, stressed during the meeting the importance of including gender in all projects submitted by the Peace and Development Coalition the Local Peace Councils, maltepe escort and indicated that the number of projects taksim escort five from Aden Governorate. The NOON Feminist Coalition was keen to provide consultations and feedback to the participants to adapt their submitted projects according to the gender analysis tool. The facilitator divided the participants into work groups, and the projects were reviewed and the context was analyzed in terms of gender, potential risks, community contribution, the role of women and men in the project, and awareness of the importance şişli escort of ensuring sustainability.
03 April 2024

NOON feminist coalition`s Outcome Harvest meeting for "Es...

The Results Harvesting Meeting for the NOON feminist coalition`s Project "Combating Cyber Extortion Crimes" The PASS Foundation - Peace for Sustainable Societies and the NOON Feminist Coalition held a result harvesting meeting for the project "Establishing a Unit to Combat Cyber Extortion Crimes" at the Public Prosecution Office, as part of the second phase of the project "Change in Resource Allocation: Supporting Women's Rights Organizations (WORs) and Women's Networks/Collectives in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS)" in Aden Governorate. The meeting was attended by the First Attorney General, Mr. Fawzi Ali Saif, Ms. Bahia Al-Sakkaf the chairwomen of the PASS Foundation, Ms. Ather Ali, the Chief Executive Officer - CEO of the Foundation, members of the NOON Feminist Coalition, and a number of prosecutors and judges. The project comes because of the increasing incidence of cyber extortion and fraud crimes and the high rate of victims at the national level. The session was moderated by the facilitator, Walid Saleh Al-Hamri - a trainer and consultant in the administrative and marketing fields. The participants were divided into four working groups, where each group reviewed the positives and negatives of the project, in addition to presenting the main project outputs and discussing success stories and lessons learned. The participants recommended a number of outputs, proposals, and recommendations for future projects
31 March 2024

Cyber Extortion A Moral Crime before a Criminal One

Afra`a Hariri The moral decline in society is increasing day by day, amid the suspicious silence of the responsible authorities, and here the family is one of the most important of these authorities. With the development of the Internet and social media, which are accessible to everyone, morals are collapsing more and more, and what exacerbates the expansion of its scope is the absence of a law specific to it. We are still demanding that the deterrent law for other crimes prevail without the electronic ones, despite its antiquity. Cyber-crime in the form of cyber extortion surrounds us, which has emerged to destroy what remains of the system of morals that we have always boasted of as a conservative society. It is the crime that makes its victims shackled with fear, confusion, and isolation, and may push them to commit other crimes, compared to those crimes that are not related to the World Wide Web, especially in light of the openness that society is witnessing towards electronics, even in the presence of a weak and intermittent Internet network compared to networks at the regional and global level. The development of modern technology and the dissemination of personal data are the most important factors for falling into the trap of extortion, at a time when the lack of supervision exacerbates the problem, and matters become more complex when girls become the most vulnerable easy victims to such complex crimes. This reality, which is hidden from for the sake of the hour and honor, requires more talk and chatter about it, as well as the publication of protection methods and strengthening society on the one hand, and on the other hand, tightening penalties, by issuing legislation or a law urgently, such as a (presidential decree with the force of law) without waiting for the House of Representatives, which has be behind the time , and reality confirms that ignorance of the use of modern technology has The proverb "turned from a blessing into a curse and there are many risks due to rushing behind unreliable links such as dating sites and letters or video games and winning prizes, and applying for jobs of unknown source and obtaining donations from international hacking links. Out of fear of scandal in our conservative societies, most of those who are subjected to extortion and threats do not seek help (because they may be exposed and victimized twice) - once by the extortionist and once by those who play the role of helper or savior, and then again by those who take charge of the investigation. They prefer to try to overcome this problem alone, which in turn leads to cases of suicide, self-harm, or severe psychological disorders in many cases. Add to this the great calamity that the Yemeni legislator stopped at the year 1994 in the Penal Code and Crime Law, and neither the judicial nor the security authorities took the initiative to object or even express that society needs protection compared to the development of crime outside the virtual world, as it did not explicitly provide for a clear punishment for the crime of electronic extortion and left the outdated and dilapidated Penal Code to deal with the defendant. If we want to define the crime of electronic extortion in the way that society understands it, it is the unauthorized access through one of the social media networks or the private means of communication of a person to threaten or extort him, in order to compel him to perform a certain act or refrain from it, even if performing this act or refraining from it is legitimate. Whereas the person in Sharia is respected in his self, money, honor, mind and religion, and these five are what is called the purposes of Islamic Sharia, and extortion in fact and reality constitutes a usurpation of human freedom in one of those five purposes, and constitutes a danger that threatens the security of the human being in his reputation, honor or himself and body, and all of that is prohibited by Sharia. Therefore, extortion is considered a moral crime, a deviant behavior, and a meanness of the soul, before it is a crime prohibited by Sharia.
09 March 2024

Launched the Section of Anti Electronic Extortion

سماح إمداد  دشن المحام العام الأول فضيلة القاضي - فوزي علي سيف في مقر في النيابة العامة عدن – مكتب النائب العام شعبة الابتزاز الالكتروني التي تم تجهيزها من قبل تكتل نون النسوي بالشراكة مع مؤسسة PASS- سلام لمجتمعات مستدامة وبدعم منظمة سيفرورلد  ضمن المرحلة الثانية من مشروع التغيير في تخصيص الموارد : دعم منظمات حقوق المرأة   WORs والشبكات / التكتلات النسائية في الدول الهشة والمتأثرة بالصراع FCAS في العاصمة عدن. وافتتح شعبة الابتزاز الالكتروني بقص الشريط بمعية فضيلة القاضي المحام العام الأول - فوزي علي سيف ، أ/ بهية حسن السقاف – رئيسة مؤسسة PASS- سلام لمجتمعات مستدامة ، أ. عفراء الحريري – منسقة  تكتل "نون “ النسوي ، ومشاركة اعضاء وعضوات وكلاء النيابات. واوضحت أ/ بهية حسن السقاف – رئيسة مؤسسة  PASS عن سعادتها بتدشين شعبة الابتزاز الالكتروني في النيابة العامة وذلك بعد اصدار قرار من النائب العام فضيلة القاضي قاهر مصطفى بإنشاء هذه الشعبة . واوضحت "السقاف " إن تكتل نون النسوي يضم خمسة عشر امرأة من مجالات وتخصصات مختلفة هو الممثل عن المشروع وأنشى بدعم من مؤسسة PASS ومنظمة سيفرورلد ونتيجة للتصاعد المتزايد للابتزاز الجرائم عمل تكتل نون النسوي في فرصة انشاء الشعبة  ضمن قوانين الدولة في تتبع الجرائم من الابتزاز الالكتروني .. متمنية من الجهات المختصة والدولة والمنظمات الدولية الاهتمام في تطوير شعبة وحدة الجرائم الالكترونية..  وأكد فضيلة القاضي المحام العام الأول - فوزي علي سيف الى اهمية  قرار انشاء شعبة مكافحة الجرائم الالكترونية وذلك بالتنسيق مع تكتل نون النسوي مؤسسة  PASS .. لافتاً الى إن النيابة العامة قامت على تجهيز الشعبة واختيار اعضاء من النيابات العامة في سبيل تدريبهم على كيفية التعامل مع الشكاوي الذي ترد عبر منصة الابتزاز الالكتروني. واشارت أ . عفراء الحريري – منسقة  تكتل "نون النسوي – إن موضوع انشاء شعبة الابتزاز الالكتروني كانت عبارة عن فكرة سبب تزايد الجرائم التي توصل الى ادارة البحث الجنائي واضافة الى الجرائم التي لاتوصل الى ادارة البحث الجنائي وخاصة الفتيات وفق للعادات والتقاليد للذهاب الى ادارة البحث الجنائي.. مضيفة بالقول بان قمنا انشاء هذه الشعبة في النيابة العامة باعتبارها الجهة القضائية التي تقاضي بفرض عقوبات .. مشيدة بجهود فضيلة النائب العام في تحويلها الى شعبة وتذليل الصعوبات في تطوير الشعبة  واختيار خمسة من  اعضاء النيابة بترشيح من النائب العام بذل الجهد في تعزيز البرامج المتعلقة بجرائم الابتزاز الالكتروني. واشاد أ/ نبيل حميد غالب- مدير عام تقنية المعلومات والشؤون الفنية بمكتب النيابة العامة بعدن  باهتمام  ادوار النيابة العامة بعدن ومؤسسة  PASS ممثلة بالأستاذة بهية السقاف، وتكتل نون "النسوي ممثلة بالأستاذة عفراء الحريري الى اهمية تقنيات استخدام متابعة قضايا الابتزاز الالكتروني الئ تتعرض لها النساء والرجال والاطفال ..  وتطرق المدرب م/ قاهر علي سعيد إن تدشين الشعبة  للتحقيق بجرائم الابتزاز سيتم التعامل بالطريقة الالكترونية باستغلال الشكاوي والقضايا الخاصة بالابتزاز الالكتروني .. مستعرضا  إن هناك بعض من الناس يتعرض للابتزاز ويخشى إن يتقدم الى النيابة ويتعرض للأحراج وهذه المنصة حلت في تقديم الشكاوي وسيتم ادراج الصور والادلة التي تعرض لها من المبتز وعلى ضوئها يتم من قبل شعبة مكافحة الابتزاز الالكتروني التاكد من الشكوى ويتم اتباع الاجراءات المناسبة من قبل التوجيهات من النائب العام .. واستعرض إن سيتم التدريب لأعضاء النيابة العامة على منصة مكافحة الابتزاز الالكتروني والبرامج المساندة لاستكمال الابتزاز الالكتروني وهذا اول خطوة ومرحلة سيتم توفير الرقم الخاط الساخن للتواصل.
08 March 2024

The Expanded Communal Meeting within the Activities of th...

The Noon Feminist Collective, in partnership with the PASS-Peace for Sustainable Communities Foundation and with the support of the Safer world organization, organized the "Expanded Community Gathering" within the activities of the "Advocacy Campaign" (Local Partners for the Rule of Law) under the second phase of the Resource Allocation Change project: Supporting Women's Rights Organizations (WORs) and Women's Networks/Collectives in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) in Aden Governorate. In the opening of the community gathering, Ms. Bahia Hassan Al-Sakkaf - President of the PASS-Peace for Sustainable Communities Foundation - welcomed all the attendees, each by name and capacity, from the districts of Aden Governorate. Explaining the importance of the community gathering, which coincides with the inauguration of the Electronic Extortion Department in the Public Prosecution in Aden. Adding to the importance of the advocacy campaign to raise awareness of electronic extortion crimes and the work mechanism of the Electronic Extortion Department, which was established through the efforts of the Noon Feminist Collective in partnership with the PASS-Peace for Sustainable Communities Foundation and with the support of the Safer world organization and the Office of the Attorney General in the Public Prosecution in Aden. Al-Sakkaf added that the advocacy campaign would start with community, awareness-raising, radio and television meetings, flashes and newspaper articles in order to guide the community. praising Safer world organization and all those involved in the success of holding the community gathering, which will continue for a continuous month during the implementation of the advocacy campaign activities in Aden Governorate. Judge Dr. Rawa’s Abdullah Mujahid - a member of the Noon Feminist Collective - presented a paper on the axes of electronic extortion, its risks, harms, and cybercrime. She pointed out that in any illegal behavior using electronic devices, the criminal ends up gaining material or moral benefits, while the victim suffers corresponding losses. The goal of these crimes is often piracy in order to steal or destroy information. Judge "Rawa'a" highlighted topics in electronic extortion, which is the process of threatening and intimidating the victim by publishing photos, film materials, or leaking confidential information about the victim in exchange for financial payments, or exploiting the victim to carry out unlawful acts for the benefit of the extortionists, such as disclosing confidential information about the workplace or other illegal acts. "Rawa'a" also discussed the risks and harms of electronic extortion, as well as the law on crimes and penalties, violation of privacy, threat of disclosure of private secrets, and extortion, in addition to the law on payment systems and electronic banking operations. Ms. Afra'a Al-Hariri - the coordinator of the Noon Feminist Collective - discussed the axes of rights in combating electronic crimes and liability in electronic crimes. She also elaborated on the criminal responsibility, which is "a legal relationship that arises between the individual and the state, by which the individual is obligated to the public authority to answer for his act that violates the legal rule and to submit to the reaction resulting from the violation." "Al-Hariri" noted that criminal responsibility differs from criminal capacity. She pointed out that criminal capacity is "the set of psychological factors, which in this sense is the qualification or the necessary to be available in the person so that the incident can be attributed to him as its perpetrator with awareness and will", or it is the suitability of the perpetrator of the crime to be held criminally responsible for it, and the person's potentials, in order to then judge the extent of the person's legal capacity for responsibility, as it is in this way a condition for the establishment of criminal responsibility, and the selection of it entails the selection of criminal responsibility. The community meeting included the presentation of opinions and interventions by imams, academics, activists, and civil society organizations, resulting in proposals and recommendations that are part of the advocacy campaign activities.