Noon Women's Coalition, in partnership with PASS-Peace for Sustainable Societies and the Saferworld organization implemented a training on "Digital Cybersecurity and Investigative Evidence" as part of the Resource Change Phase II: Supporting Women's Rights Organizations (WROS) and Women's Networks in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) in Aden Governorate.
In the opening of the training, Ms. Bahia Hassan Al-Saqqaf, President of PASS Foundation -Peace for Sustainable Societies welcomed the Judge First General Solicitor Fawzi Ali. She explained that the importance of holding the training lies in providing a number of prosecutors, criminal investigation officers, and security officers with the concepts of the basics of digital cybersecurity, investigative evidence, privacy protection, and ways to protect systems, networks, devices from electronic and digital attacks and electronic extortion.
Al-Saqaf explained that PASS-Foundation aims to contribute to the building of a modern civilian State, promote awareness and drive members of society towards achieving sustainable development, see it as a coexisting society, sustainable development, consolidate the values and altitudes of civic action, respect diversity and promote sustainable development. Appreciate the efforts of those involved in overcoming the difficulties and establishing the success of the training. Wish getting benefit from the training and reflect it on the ground in their work offices.
Afra Al-Hariri, the coordinator of the Noon Women's Coalition expressed her happiness of all the guest’s presence. She pointed out that the Noon Women's Coalition was founded on November 22, 2022, in Aden city, and includes fifteen women from different fields and specializations.
Al-Hariri pointed out that the first project was completed in the public sanitation service improvement in Saira and Khor Maksr district. She pointed out that the Noon Women's Coalition was formed with the support of PASS and Severworld. The first project was implemented through which the community can be represented by Noon Women's Coalition. (Criminal Research Department, Al-Shab Hospital, Education department Sira district, Local Authority of the two departments, Autism Society and Hayat Foundation for Early Intervention, she added that we are in the process of the second project to establish a unit to investigate crimes of cyber extortion... She noted that the Noon Women's Coalition and Pass Foundation would work with Severworld support by establishing a unit to investigate and equip it with all the programs and equipment that the Department could operate in the Public Prosecutor's Office to Combating cybercrime.
Judge First General Solicitor Fawzi Ali affirmed the importance of cybercrime and cyber extortion as it is considered a fact in a place due to developments in our Yemeni society and at the regional and international level. Noting that it has become highly reliant on digital data, which leads to violation and extortion, he praised the interest of the Pass Foundation- Peace in sustainable societies represented by Professor Bahia al-Saqaf, and the Noon Cluster of feminists represented by Professor Afrah Al-Hariri.
Trainer Mr. Qaher Ali Saeed reviewed interlocutors on cybersecurity, privacy protection, ways of protecting against hacks, information security elements, attention to personal data, enhancing the protection of IT systems and taking all necessary measures to protect users from potential risks in the field of Internet use.
As well as the participants learned about the types of cybercrimes, the most prominent risks of using the internet, and how information security specialists use procedures to strengthen passwords, encryption, control access permissions, and legal liability.